Thursday, July 31, 2014

Have Fun - Will Travel

Last night we took Mini Pearl out into the fields again, and when we returned to the house, she was missing her rear bumper.  We drove back out to the spot where we had heard what we thought was a branch, and sure enough, we found the bumper.  We placed it on top of the van and brought it home.  Unable to see well enough in the dark, we left it to deal with in the morning.  In the daylight, it looked like the bumper could essentially be popped back on, so we reattached it, hoping it doesn't fall off again while we're on the road.


Let's hope that stays put!

Papaw likes watching old western movies and TV shows on DirecTV.  We watched part of the movie San Antonio, starring Errol Flynn.  I recognized one of the actors from Casablanca, and he looked familiar to Papaw, too.  We both wondered what his name was, so I used my IMDb app to identify him as Hungarian-born actor S. Z. Sakall.  Papaw said the film's leading lady also appeared in other westerns and he wondered what her name was, so I looked that up for him as well (Canadian-born Alexis Smith).

We weren't quite sure what time we were going to head out for Roanoke, so I looked up things to do.  I found some more bike trails within an hour's drive, but Brett wasn't keen on me disappearing with Mini Pearl today, so I decided to ride to the Halifax County Visitor's Center, about 45 minutes away by bike (it seemed like as good a destination as any).  The woman working there was very helpful.  I told her I was passing through town, what I had already seen, and that I was looking for ideas.  She mentioned several events coming up that perhaps I can check out when we swing back through.  When I said I had only a couple hours before we would depart for Roanoke, she suggested two nearby attractions: Bob Cage's Sculpture Farm and the Berry Hill Resort. Both sounded good to me.

Halifax County Visitor's Center

found the sculpture farm and was struck by the size of the yard and the number of varied pieces on display.  There were several goats and a mule (or was it a donkey?) marching the grounds.  Although, I had seen the farm in a brochure at the visitor's center, it wasn't particularly visitor-friendly.  I was able to view the sculptures from the road, but when I turned into the driveway, I was told it was private property.  I was able to get a little closer on the other side, but there was a fence that definitely looked like it was meant to keep people out.  So I admired the sculptures from a distance and pedaled on.

The mule and goats are real.

The dinosaurs aren't.

The Berry Hill Resort was impressive indeed.  The long tree-lined driveway led to a large white building with tall columns.  I expected the historic house to be off-limits, but an employee taking a break outside told me the front door was unlocked and I was welcome to go inside.  I walked the many rooms and marveled at the old-fashioned decor.  After a while, Brett texted me and said we would be leaving for Roanoke soon, so I biked back to the house.

When I returned to the house, Brett's cousins from Orlando had arrived to stay with Papaw and Grammy.  I had the chance to talk with them for a while before we packed up Mini Pearl and headed out.

Shadowfax ready to explore a new town

Our friend Tara had arranged for us to stay in Roanoke with some friends of hers who had camped with her at FloydFest.  Brett had met them there, but I had not.  After a two-hour drive, we arrived at their home of Anne Marie, her husband Keel and their daughter.  They are wonderful.  During my bike ride back in Halifax, it felt like something had slipped again with Shadowfax's gear, probably as a result of the rough trail we tackled on Tuesday.  I wasn't confident enough yet to adjust the gear chain myself so I asked our hosts about a bike shop.  They suggested Underdog Bikes.  I plugged the address into my GPS, and saw it was only a ten minute bike ride away, so Shadowfax and I headed out.  I arrived and walked through the door to find a small shop with one employee working.  I told him about the gear and asked if he could check to see if everything else looked ok.  He fixed the gear issue,  added air to the tires, and otherwise gave Shadowfax a clean bill of health.  It turns out hr had seen and liked us at FloydFest!  I picked up a map of Roanoke's impressive bike trail system while I was at the shop.  It was getting late, so I didn't have time to explore the Greenway today.  I am eager to check it out tomorrow.

Chris says we're good to go!

By the time I returned to our new hosts' home, Brett was already a hit with their 6-year-old daughter.  Brett really is awesome with kids, and kids seem to love him.  Anne Marie had made us dinner and it was time to eat.  She said her family usually eats at the dining room table, but we didn't need to feel pressured to do so.  However, it sounded like a great way to share the meal and get to know our hosts better.  It was absolutely lovely.  Keel is a doctor, and Anne Marie owns and runs a coffee shop called Sweet Donkey Coffee.  Anne Marie brought us by her store and hooked Brett up with coffee, and me with tea before the show.


We arrived at the gig.  The venue was nice enough, the sound man was pro, and we played really well.  The crowd response, however, seemed a bit lackluster, and it began to affect our energy by the end of the evening.  We did gain a few new fans though, and several folks mentioned coming out to our gig tomorrow and bringing their friends.  The venue said it was a better turnout than they were expecting, so all in all, it wasn't bad for our first time in a new city.

I'm eager to ride the Greenway.

This journey has made it possible for me to interact with so many wonderful folks, and today was no exception.  For this I am deeply grateful.  Roanoke looks beautiful from what I've seen so far, and I'm excited to get out and explore it tomorrow.


- Jon

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