Thursday, July 24, 2014

Lofty Goals

There was a downstairs bedroom, a living room sofa, and a bed up on the loft available to us at the Corbitts' cabin.  I chose the loft.  It was the perfect spot from which to make today's biking plans last night and this morning.  I got almost six hours sleep, more than I have been getting lately, and I woke up ready for adventure.  I found a useful website and app called TrailLink to help me decide I wanted to check out the Little Tennessee River Greenway in Franklin, NC.  I used the bicycle option of my Google Maps app to see if I could ride to the trailhead from the Corbitts' property.  The app said it was 8.9 miles and 49 minutes to the Friends of the Greenway headquarters in downtown Franklin.  After our trek to the bike shop in Asheville, without lower gears, I figured, "We got this."  So Shadowfax and I headed out.

Feet on the ceiling in the loft, perfect for planning an adventure!

There was no bike lane on the two-lane road, but traffic was fairly light, and drivers were courteous enough as they passed.  The closer I got to town, the more the shoulder widened.  I should point out that I'm not biking to break any speed records (that being said, I think Shadowfax and I still make pretty good time).  Instead, I prefer the philosophy of "slow travel."  Today I stopped to take pictures, to buy a snack and water at the grocery store, and when I was tired.  I had read many Brompton owners' reports of how their bikes are conversation starters, and so far it's been true in my case.  It's a bike many folks don't see everyday, and they're curious about it.  I've enjoyed discussing mine and demonstrating the fold, at which I'm getting better.  Dad suggested I offer to become an official Brompton "spokes" person; he's punny like that!  We made it to the Greenway and enjoyed a mostly-paved 5 mile ride up and down the river.  A series of bridges allowed the trail to cross back and forth over the water several times.  I was feeling great.  The path passed by a small park with exercise stations.  Feeling ambitious, I knocked out some chin-ups and dips.

Hey, who you callin' old?

Chin-up bars? Let's do this!

I was feeling pretty darn beat near the end of the trip back to Camp Corbitt; it seemed further away than where I had started from!  Start to finish, including stops, my trek had taken over three hours, which was plenty for me.  I arrived at the cabin to find everybody on the porch.  Isaac and Newsome's parents had also joined the gathering while I was out.  Apparently, the gang had started to worry about me, but they seemed interested to hear about my ride.  By happenstance, my return was well-timed.  Lunch was served, followed by a brief rainstorm.  A couple weeks ago, I had ordered three pairs of prescription glasses from Zenni Optical, but they didn't arrive in Jacksonville until we had started our tour.  Jen agreed to mail them to me, and Isaac said his parents' address would be the best place to have them sent.  A box was now waiting for me at the cabin.  It was the ultimate care package, including: my glasses, throat drops, throat spray, Throat Coat tea, a card, a Jacksonville postcard, earplugs, and SeaSnax.  I felt loved.

Isaac, Newsome, Brett and I went to take a dip in the swimming hole and clear away trees and branches that had either fallen into or grown over the creek.  Mikey tagged along, but didn't take the plunge.  It was the kind of work/play that made us feel like men and boys all at once.  The water was cold, but not enough to dispirit us.  It was during this time I became aware of the fact that I was no longer trying to relax or unwind out here in the woods; that was just happening on its own now.

Back on the porch, I tried out my new glasses.  My eyesight has been gradually failing me for years now.  I've been using drugstore reading glasses for a quite a while, but I recently had an eye exam and was recommended progressive lenses.  Trying them for the first time, I can understand why some people like them and others don't.  They will take some getting used to, but I'm eager to give them a chance.  It's funny; in many ways I'm the "healthy" one of the band (on and off, but again lately thanks to my recent health kick), but in other ways I'm the old man falling apart.  I have presbyopia (from the Greek words for "old man" and "eye"), I'm fairly sure I have a lingering case of what I believe is sciatica, and someday I would like to afford the surgery to fix what I have self-diagnosed as an umbilical hernia.  I try to keep my mind sharp, but then I forget I've already packed my bass pick-up!  Of course, although they are like brothers to me, the fact is I AM much older than the boys.  I'm 42 to Brett's 27 and Mikey's 23 years.  All three of us actually joke about my age and age-related failing health.  To tell the truth, I like it.  It's more fun to recognize the aging process and find the humor in it than to constantly fear it.  However, I don't think people should just accept their fate and give up on their health as they get older.  I had an interesting conversation with Isaac.  He asked if I drink, and I told him about the break I'm taking from alcohol.  He was very supportive and understanding.  It turns out that his band has also made a conscious effort to cut back on the amount of self-abuse they were inflicting on themselves.  Isaac said working musicians are like paid alcohol salesmen; they're offered free drinks and are expected to encourage bar patrons to keep imbibing as well.  But if we try to "live up" to that party machine persona, and deny when it's gotten out of control, it takes a serious toll on our health and limits our enjoyment of life.  Personally, I want to stay healthy (and/or GET healthy) in the areas over which I have some control, for the sake of enjoying the ride for as long as possible.  At the same time, I need to find a balance, so I can also enjoy occasional treats and indulgences in ways that benefit my overall well-being.


- Jon


  1. Feeling inspired, loving and proud!

  2. My , my ,my !! you Are your dad !!!! Keep the Faith and follow your inner path ! Thanks again for being so openly honest !!!

  3. PS...Great looking glasses !! I wear the progressive bifocals . I learned to wear them all the time from the start...wake up to bed time. Love them...I need eyes !!!!
    Take care Jon....great blog !!!!!!!!!!!!
