Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ashes to Asheville

got about four hours sleep last night.  This was due to our late night, and the fact that we had set alarms to take advantage of the hotel's free breakfast.  As it turned out, I was the only one who didn't fall back asleep, so I ventured solo to the breakfast bar.  I have a thing about free hotel food, I usually get up for it even if I go back to bed until check-out, which wasn't until noon today.  Funds being limited on the road, and since I was up anyways, free food seemed in order.

Food, glorious free food!

Unable to get back to sleep after breakfast, I enjoyed the free wifi for a while, then decided to make a final visit to the mini-gym.  I flipped on Comedy Central to find the Sunday matinee was Role Models, another comedic gem, so I spent the next 60 minutes on the elliptical.  I don't watch a lot of TV these days, and I was surprised by the frequency and length of commercial breaks.  I'm not complaining though; I was able to enjoy the movie and use talk-to-text to chat with Jen while I knocked out some cardio.

We hit the road just after noon with Mikey taking over in the driver's seat.  This particular arrangement is the most comfortable for me as it provides me with plenty of legroom.  It also allows Brett to get some band-related work done from his passenger-seat office.

On the road again

We arrived in Asheville to discover the rain had stopped and it was a beautiful day.  We stopped by Jamie's/Brooke's/Jamar's place to pick up a few items we had left behind, and asked them what one might do on such a fine day in their fair city.  From among the several appealing suggestions, Brett, Mikey and I decided to drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway and hike to Flat Laurel Creek.  Our navigational skills suggest we should never get into the map-making business,  but we eventually found our way to the parkway and the trailhead.  The drive up through the foggy clouds and several tunnels was eerily beautiful with frequent clear views of the valleys below, and the hike itself was an adventurous workout with picturesque images among tranquil surroundings.

The water was rather cold, but Brett had his heart set on getting wet, so he took a quick dip in the brisk mountain stream before we started our return trip.

That's brisk, baby!

The hike back was inspiring as the sun lazily made its way towards the horizon.

In the spirit of saving money, we stocked up on groceries before making our way back to our buddy Bobby Miller's house.  The three of us were pretty tired after our trek, so we made ourselves dinner at home and took it easy for the remainder of our Sunday evening off.  After our first three days of performing and talking with so many nice folks, it was refreshing to spend some quality time together, just the three of us, away from music.  I think after a good night's sleep, my hamstrings may be a bit sore from the hike but I'll feel refreshed and ready for our gigs tomorrow and Tuesday.  I'm looking forward to playing Preservation Pub and Knoxville, TN for the first time.

Cheers, y'all!

- Jon