Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Grammy Winners

I woke up relatively early this morning, and decided to get a jog in before breakfast.  I headed to the town of Halifax, three miles east of Papaw and Grammy's.  It was a gorgeous summer's day, sunny and about 72 degrees.  Halifax has a small, quaint downtown.  The history of the region hit me when I happened upon the Halifax County War Memorial.  According to the website, the memorial is "dedicated to the memory of those brave men and women who answered their country's call to arms in wars and conflicts from the American Revolution through Desert Storm."  The names of soldiers from Halifax County who made the supreme sacrifice are engraved there. Nineteen are from the Revolutionary War, yet the majority of names are from the "War Between the States."

Halifax County War Memorial

Just before I reached the driveway on my way back, a rabbit scampered across the dirt road.  This confirmed there was still at least one on the property, but he had managed to stay hidden from Brett and his .22 rifle -- wascally wabbit!  By the time I returned to the house, Papaw had picked up more berries from the store (per Grammy's request), and Grammy had hard-boiled some eggs, largely because she knows I'm trying to be healthy.  So I was able to start another day with a delicious, healthful breakfast.

Another breakfast of champions!

Grammy and Papaw were busy preparing the house and yard for the big party tonight.  They are so proud of Brett and the band, and they don't often invite large numbers of people over.  Grammy was clearly feeling a little pressure to make the house look respectable for their guests.  We did what she asked of us to help tidy up the place.

Grammy proudly displays photos of Brett and his band!

I tried to rest a bit, and napped for maybe 30 minutes.  I decided I needed new shorts (a size smaller, hooray!), so I was able to get one more bike ride in to Walmart and back.  I'm pretty sure the good folks of Halifax County don't quite know what to make of me and Shadowfax when we ride into town and roll into a store.  By the time I returned, the house was immaculate, and the living room had been transformed into a small concert hall for tonight's festivities.  Everyone rested for a bit before the guests were scheduled to arrive, even Grammy.

Almost showtime!

A catnap before the soirée

About forty of Papaw and Grammy's friends attended.  We had met and performed for some of them when we were here three years ago, but many we hadn't met before.  All of the guests were older, several into their eighties and nineties.  I couldn't help but notice that I was the third youngest person in the room!

This really was a great group of folks.  I hope I can stay healthy enough to live happily well into my senior years.  My dad stays active and seems to be going strong in his seventies.  But my mom passed away from cancer twelve years ago in her late fifties, so I realize that no one is guaranteed their golden years.  Indeed, no one is promised tomorrow.  The best anyone can do is plan for the future and live for today.

The guests arrive

Quite a spread!  The chicken salad was irresistible!

Grammy had mentioned to me last night that they would love to hear me sing Arizona Sky, one of my original songs, at the party.  We haven't performed it since I've been having my voice issues because I haven't been able to hit the higher notes.  I've been taking care of my voice, and I remembered my teacher's breathing technique tonight; it seemed to be doing the trick.  When Papaw requested my Arizona song, I didn't want to let them down, so I gave it a shot.  Fortunately, I was able to hit the notes for the first time in quite a while.  It was great to feel my higher register coming back.  I hope my voice continues to heal.

We received a lot of compliments, and Grammy beamed with pride throughout the evening.  There were some musicians among the old timers who really appreciated the entertainment.  After the guests had all gone home, Grammy said to us, "That was a success if anything ever was, and we thank you to pieces."  I enjoy talking with Papaw, Grammy, and their friends.  My own grandparents have passed away, but Grammy and Mikey's grandma are both very supportive of the band and have adopted me as a kind of honorary grandson.  That's just fine by me.

Three pickers

Papaw and Grammy after the ball

I'm glad the party went well, and happy we could say thanks to Papaw and Grammy with our music.  Tonight also served as a good way for the band to get back in the swing of playing together after a great few days off.  Tomorrow we get back to it with two gigs in Roanoke and two in Blacksburg, VA.  I'm excited to play new venues and explore new cities.

Be well!

- Jon

1 comment:

  1. Not much better way of living than when living makes us and everyone around us joyful!
