Monday, July 28, 2014

Bass Fishing and Getting Skunked

Last night, I had the best night's sleep since we started the tour (and probably since I quit drinking). Waking up at Brett's grandparents' house, I felt like Frodo Baggins waking up in Rivendale.  I was a bit sore from Saturday's hike, but I felt well-rested and relaxed.  Papaw made scrambled eggs, sausage patties and toast for everyone.  Eating together at the dining table with Mikey and the Basses was a great way to start the day and a pleasant reminder of meals shared with my own family years ago.

Souvenirs from Saturday's hike

Get a load of these turkeys!

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

Papaw fired up the tractor and lawn mower to clean up the yard for Wednesday's houseguests.  Brett and Mikey used the kaiser blade and machete, respectively, to clean up the brush surrounding the house.

Billy Bass, taking names and kicking ass!

The directions to the Tobacco Heritage Trail on my TrailLink app were from downtown South Boston, Virginia (not to be confused with that other Boston), so I used Google Maps to get biking directions downtown.  It took me about a half hour to reach Main Street in the small town.  From there, I followed the directions to the trailhead, and found it to be very clearly marked (a welcome contrast from Saturday's hiking trail).  This particular disconnected segment of the larger trail was short and sweet.  I reached the end of the trail (again, clearly marked), and sat on a picnic bench by the river.  I stayed there, soaking up the solitude and silence, for about a half an hour.  I laid back flat on the bench and enjoyed the sound and sight of the wind through the treetops and the sun peeking through the passing clouds. I felt totally relaxed, especially knowing I was in no real danger compared to Saturday's ordeal.  Jen texted me and said she was off work and would like to hear my voice, so I talked with her for a while.  It occurred to me that the trail was stress-free enough to talk and ride at the same time, so I headed back while Jen and I wrapped up our conversation (using my ear buds).  It was fun having her along with me, as I tried my best to describe the view.  We said our goodbyes, and I followed a sign to the Crossing of the Dan River, the site of an important turning point in the Revolutionary War (

This is a good sign!

Clearly marked trailhead = good

End of the road

Crossing of the Dan, much easier with a train and a bridge!

Shadowfax reenacting the Crossing of the Dan

I returned to the house about three hours later to discover Brett and Mikey had caught several bass and a couple brim.  Brett gutted them, and saved the meat for Papaw to cook tomorrow.  I'm sure it'll be delicious!  I decided to do some push-ups and plank exercises; it felt good to feel the burn.

Catch from Mikey and Brett (B)ass fishing

Bass gutting bass

We made a band run to Wal-mart.  I've been trying to give my progressive glasses a chance, but the fit of the frames left much to be desired.  I brought all three pairs to the vision center at Wal-mart and had them properly adjusted.  I'm still not sure how I feel about these progressive lenses.  I also bought a portable phone battery charger since my iPhone has become so invaluable on this trip, as my way of communicating, getting directions on my bike rides, and writing this blog.

Brett wanted to check out the games at Game Stop, so we stopped in.  As I've mentioned, I've been out of the video game loop for years; this was my first time in such a gaming store.  Brett bought Red Dead Redemption even though he has it at home because he wanted to show it to Papaw (a big fan of old western movies and tv shows).  Papaw and Grammy both seemed impressed by the movie-like graphics.

Perhaps I COULD get into gaming!

Brett, Mikey and I took the farm utility van out to the bigger pond on the property to try and catch more fish.  When it comes to fishing, I am definitely the novice of the band.  My hook got stuck on some lily pads, and Mikey shared with me a useful technique of alternating between reeling in and pulling the rod straight back in order to free it up.   Indeed, lily pads seemed to be all we could catch this time out.  Brett decided the smaller pond, at which they had been successful earlier, was the better bet since we were resigned to fishing from the shore due to the boat being damaged.  We then drove around the property seeking rabbits for Brett to shoot.  After a while, we spotted something moving, Brett got out of the van with his .22, and slowly walked right up behind the critter.  He had a clear shot, but it turned out to be a skunk!  We also saw several deer, but it ain't deer season.  We returned empty-handed, but I enjoyed off-roading around the property with the boys.

Roads?  Where we're going, we don't need roads.

Brett feeling right at home

Dinner consisted of Grammy's amazing pot roast stew over rice and her unparalleled potato salad.  I ate some foods that I often avoid today, but it felt like the right decision.  Later, the boys called for me to come outside with my Sky Guide app.  I confirmed they had spotted Mars, and I showed them where to find Saturn.  Tonight was a clear and moonless night.  That fact, combined with the low light pollution out here, made the stars much easier to see than we're used to.  Mikey and I started talking about times we had each seen the band of the Milky Way.  Suddenly, we realized it was visible overhead as we spoke.  Brett got a fire going, and he and Mikey discussed myths and unexplained mysteries while I confirmed we were, in fact, looking at the Milky Way (I'm about 98% sure now) and worked on this blog entry.

At one point earlier today, Mikey said it was too bad that I can't have a drink.  I told him I CAN have a drink, but I just don't want an ALCOHOLIC drink right now.  His response was something to the effect of, "I know.  I just miss you drinking beer."  I told him I knew exactly what he meant.  I miss it too, not just the getting drunk part, but the whole social aspect of drinking beer and the actual act of drinking beer, especially out here with the boys.  At one point tonight, Brett lit up a cigarette and, for the first time in a long time, it smelled appealing to me.  I quit  smoking years ago, and usually the smell of cigarette smoke disgusts me, but suddenly I found it almost tempting again.  I don't know if this unexpected craving is related to my abstinence from alcohol or not.  I wasn't worried about it; I know I'm not going to smoke again, but it made me realize how relentless addictions can be.  I just need to remind myself how alive and at peace I felt all day today.  Why wouldn't I want to feel that?  I figure, if I can't make it another forty days without a drink, then I really do have a problem.  One day at a time.

Cheers, y'all!

- Jon

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