Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Jon the Road Again

It's been a great summer so far!  I just completed a three-week job teaching an English speaking class to fifteen university students from Changwon, South Korea and loved it.  I play upright bass in a bluegrass trio called Grandpa's Cough Medicine from Jacksonville, FL.  Brett plays guitar.  Mikey plays banjo.  Brett and I sing.  Tomorrow we embark on a five-and-a-half-week tour which will take us to North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Illinois, Missouri and Georgia.  I am up late tonight getting things in order for the trip.  I thought it might be fun to write a blog about my experience on this tour.  I've decided to make this a personal blog rather than an official band blog.  I have no idea who will read this, but for those who do, I will try to share my adventure.  I am very grateful to even have the opportunity to earn a living while taking an extended road trip.  Last summer, we toured for a similar length of time out to Colorado.  This year, we were offered an "On The Rise" performer slot at FloydFest in Floyd, VA.  Brett booked the rest of our schedule around that.  I appreciate his hard work as our guitarist, bandleader and booking agent.  I consider this tour the Great American Summer Road Trip 2014 Edition.  So, with apologies to the great Willie Nelson, I hope you enjoy "Jon the Road Again!"

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